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Search: 96-WELL
96-Well Optical-Bottom plates
96-Well Optical-Bottom plates, for cell-based assays
96-Well Optical-Bottom plates, with CC2™ surface
96-well PCR plates, PC/PP, rigid frame, incl. PCR sealing films
96-well PCR plates, PC/PP, rigid frame, incl. PCR sealing films
96-well PCR Plates, PP
96-well PCR Plates, PP
96-well PCR plates, PP, incl. PCR sealing films
96-well PCR plates, PP, incl. PCR sealing films
96-well PCR plates, PP, non-skirted
96-well PCR plates, PP, non-skirted
96-well PCR plates, PP, non-skirted, with elevated well rim
96-well PCR plates, PP, non-skirted, with elevated well rim
96-well PCR plates, PP, raised half frame
96-well PCR plates, PP, raised half frame