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Search: BEAD
Cell disruption shaker Bead Genie<sup>TM</sup>
Cell disruption shaker Bead GenieTM
Chromatographic columns, with beaded rim and PTFE stopcock, DURAN<sup>®</sup> tubing
Chromatographic columns, with beaded rim and PTFE stopcock, DURAN® tubing
Chromatographic columns, with beaded rim, DURAN<sup>®</sup> tubing
Chromatographic columns, with beaded rim, DURAN® tubing
Disruptor beads for Disruptor Genie<sup>® </sup> / Bead Genie<sup>TM</sup>
Disruptor beads for Disruptor Genie® / Bead GenieTM
Engler distilling flasks, DURAN<sup>®</sup>, ASTM, with beaded rim
Engler distilling flasks, DURAN®, ASTM, with beaded rim
Glass beads type M
Glass beads type M, soda lime glass
Glass beads type S
Glass beads, borosilicate glass
Glass beads, borosilicate glass