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Constant climate chambers series KBF-S Solid.Line
Constant climate chambers series KBF-S Solid.Line
Constant climate chambers, KBF / KMF series
Constant climate chambers, KBF / KMF series
Constant climate chambers, KBF P / KBF LQC
Constant climate chambers, KBF P / KBF LQC
Dynamic climate chambers MKF, with humidity control
Dynamic climate chambers MKF, with humidity control
Capacitive rod sensor, PTFE
Capacitive rod sensor, PTFE
CO2 Incubators CelCulture® with copper interior/air jacket and ULPA filter
CO2 Incubators CelCulture® with high heat sterilization, without ULPA filter, with O2 control
CO2 Incubators CelCulture® with high heat sterilization, ULPA filter and O2 control
CO2 Incubators CelCulture® with high heat sterilization, without ULPA filter