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Accessories for hose connections M16x1
Accessories for hose connections M16x1
Adapters for capillary connections, PP
Adapters for capillary connections, PP Caps, GL 45, PPS, lateral connections Caps, GL 45, PPS, lateral connections
Capillary connections, PTFE
Capillary connections, PTFE
Exhaust air connections for safety cabinets SafeFAST Premium and CytoFAST
Funnel connections with level indicator, PE-EX
Funnel connections with level indicator, PE-EX
Gas supply connections for safety cabinets SafeFAST Premium and CytoFAST
Ground joint clips for sleeve connections, wire, Chrome-nickel steel
Ground joint clips for sleeve connections, wire, Chrome-nickel steel
Joint clips for conical joint sleeve connections, stainless steel
Joint clips for conical joint sleeve connections, stainless steel