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Eppendorf ThermoMixer C
Eppendorf ThermoMixer C
Eppendorf ThermoMixer™ F0.5/F1.5/F2.0/FP
Eppendorf ThermoMixer™ F0.5/F1.5/F2.0/FP
Shaker MixMate<sup>®</sup>
Shaker MixMate®
Magnetic stirrer atexMIXdrive 1 with external control
Magnetic stirrer atexMIXdrive 1 with external control
Air purifier AirControl PAC
Air purifier AirControl PAC
Control unit atexMIXcontrol
Control unit atexMIXcontrol
Control unit atexMIXcontrol cleanroom
Control unit atexMIXcontrol cleanroom
Climate Chambers ICH
Climate Chambers ICH
Steriliser SFplus
Steriliser SFplus