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Divided inner doors for CO2 incubators CB / CBF
CO<sub>2</sub> incubators CBF-OZ, with cell therapy compartmentalization, humidity and O<sub>2</sub> control
CO2 incubators CBF-OZ, with cell therapy compartmentalization, humidity and O2 control
Racks with divided drawers for upright freezers, stainless steel, for boxes with 100 mm height
Racks with divided drawers for upright freezers, stainless steel, for boxes with 50 mm height
Automatic spiral plater EasySpiral<sup>®</sup> / EasySpiral pro<sup>®</sup>
Automatic spiral plater EasySpiral® / EasySpiral pro®
Block thermostat CH3-150 Combitherm-2
Block thermostat CH3-150 Combitherm-2
Chromatography strips
Counting Chamber, Bürker
Counting Chamber, Bürker
Counting Chamber, Bürker-Türk
Counting Chamber, Bürker-Türk