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Climate chamber MKFT 240-400V f.rapid temperature changes, with humidity control and extended low temperature range
Pipette Tips ClipTip™ Extended Version
Pipette Tips ClipTip™ Extended Version, refill packs
Pipette tips Finntip 1000 Extended
Pipette tips Finntip 1000 Extended
Pipette tips Finntip 200 Extended
Pipette tips Finntip 200 Extended
Pipette tips Finntip Flex Extended
Pipette tips Finntip Flex Extended
Pipettes Samco™, PE, with fine, extended tip
Pipettes Samco™, PE, with fine, extended tip
Scoops, stainless steel, extended
Scoops, stainless steel, extended
Staining troughs, Hellendahl extended, Soda-lime glass
Staining troughs, Hellendahl extended, Soda-lime glass