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Search: LUER
TPP Syringe filter
TPP Syringe filter
Luer Lock Hub Tubing Assemblies, 1 Hub, 300 mm
Luer Lock Hub Tubing Assemblies, 1 Hub, 300 mm
Luer Lock Hub Tubing Assemblies, 1 Hub, 500 mm
Luer Lock Hub Tubing Assemblies, 1 Hub, 500 mm
Adapters for Luer Lock Hub Tubing
Adapters for Luer Lock Hub Tubing
Discharge tube units, Luer-Lock connection, for bottle-top dispensers and digital burettes
Discharge tube units, Luer-Lock connection, for bottle-top dispensers and digital burettes
Disposable Needles UNIMED with Luer-Lock, blunt point
Disposable Syringes, PP, with luer tip
Disposable Syringes, PP, with luer tip
Needles UNIMED with Luer-Lock, standard point
Needles UNIMED with Luer-Lock, standard point, diam. > 1mm