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Calibration and test material for conductivity measurements
Calibration and test material for conductivity measurements
Cells for light scattering measurements, UV-range
Cells for light scattering measurements, UV-range
Cells for reflection measurements, Vis-range
Cells for reflection measurements, Vis-range
Cuvette for turbidity measurements, VIS-range
Cuvette for turbidity measurements, VIS-range
Cylindrical Cells for polarimetric measurements, UV-range
Cylindrical Cells for polarimetric measurements, UV-range
Electrode, BlueLine 27 pH, for surface measurements, not refillable
Electrode, BlueLine 27 pH, for surface measurements, not refillable
pH electrodes for measurements in aqueous and non-aqueous media
pH electrodes for measurements in aqueous and non-aqueous media
Temperature sensors for pH, ORP and ISE measurements
Temperature sensors for pH, ORP and ISE measurements
96 and 384 Well Polystyrene Microplates, UV-Star®