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Search: PTFE
PTFE sealing rings for jointed glassware
PTFE sealing rings for jointed glassware
PTFE Vacuum tubing with stainless steel small flanges, KF
PTFE Vacuum tubing with stainless steel small flanges, KF
2-way GL stopcocks, PTFE
2-way/3-way stopcocks, PTFE for Reactor lids
2-way/3-way stopcocks, PTFE for Reactor lids
3-way GL stopcocks, PTFE
Additional Stirrer Blades for Bola Stirrer Shafts, PTFE
Additional Stirrer Blades for Bola Stirrer Shafts, PTFE
Agate Grinding bowls for Ball-mills, with lid and PTFE ring
Anchor stirrer, PTFE
Anchor stirrer, PTFE