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TPP Tissue culture dishes
TPP Tissue culture dishes
Security caps, tamper-evident, PP
Security caps, tamper-evident, PP
Security seals
Security seals
Ovens Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol Security, with gravity convection
Ovens Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol Security, with gravity convection
Ovens Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol Security, with gravity convection, stainless steel exterior
Ovens Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol Security, with gravity convection, stainless steel exterior
Ovens Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol Security, with mechanical convection
Ovens Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol Security, with mechanical convection
Ovens Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol Security, with mechanical convection, stainless steel exterior
Ovens Heratherm™ Advanced Protocol Security, with mechanical convection, stainless steel exterior
Analysis- and precision balances Secura<sup>®</sup>
Analysis- and precision balances Secura®
Automatic spiral plater EasySpiral<sup>®</sup> / EasySpiral pro<sup>®</sup>
Automatic spiral plater EasySpiral® / EasySpiral pro®