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Protection Gloves Cryo Gloves® Waterproof shoulder length
Protection Gloves Cryo Gloves® Standard, shoulder length
Round square-shouldered bottles without closure series 302, HDPE
Sloping shoulder reagent bottles, wide-mouth, PP, with octagonal-knob cap
Sloping shoulder reagent bottles, wide-mouth, PP, with octagonal-knob cap
Sloping shoulder reagent bottles, wide-mouth, PP, with square-knob cap
Sloping shoulder reagent bottles, wide-mouth, PP, with square-knob cap
Acid cap bottles, DURAN®
Acid cap bottles, DURAN<sup>®</sup>, amber glass
Acid cap bottles, DURAN®, amber glass
Aspirator carboys Nalgene™, LDPE
Aspirator carboys Nalgene™, LDPE
Aspirator Carboys Nalgene™, Type 2319, 2250, with handle, PP
Aspirator Carboys Nalgene™, Type 2319, 2250, with handle, PP