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Soxhlet extraction stillheads, DURAN<sup>®</sup> tubing
Soxhlet extraction stillheads, DURAN® tubing
Soxhlet extractors, without stopcock
Soxhlet extractors, without stopcock
Allihn condensers for Soxhlet
Allihn condensers for Soxhlet
Extraction apparatuses acc. to Soxhlet, with Dimroth condenser, DURAN<sup>®</sup> tubing
Extraction apparatuses acc. to Soxhlet, with Dimroth condenser, DURAN® tubing
Extractors for Soxhlet extraction
Extractors for Soxhlet extraction
Serial Extraction Apparatus behrotest<sup>®</sup> for Soxhlet-/Fat-Extraction
Serial Extraction Apparatus behrotest® for Soxhlet-/Fat-Extraction
Bottle top burette Titrette<sup>®</sup>
Bottle top burette Titrette®
Complete compact extraction systems, with heating
Complete compact extraction systems, with heating
Extraction and filter thimbles