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TPP Cell scrapers and cell spatulas
TPP Cell scrapers and cell spatulas
Spatulas with wooden handle, stainless steel
Spatulas with wooden handle, stainless steel
Spatulas, 18/10 steel, narrow form
Spatulas, 18/10 steel, narrow form
Spatulas, round grooved, 18/10 steel
Spatulas, round grooved, 18/10 steel
Spatulas, sterile
Spatulas, sterile
Disposable spatulas for foodstuffs SteriPlast<sup>®</sup>, PS
Disposable spatulas for foodstuffs SteriPlast®, PS
Disposable spatulas LaboPlast<sup>®</sup> Bio / SteriPlast<sup>®</sup>Bio, Green PE
Disposable spatulas LaboPlast® Bio / SteriPlast®Bio, Green PE
Disposable spatulas, PS, with sheath
Disposable spatulas, PS, with sheath
Disposable spatulas, PS, without sheath
Disposable spatulas, PS, without sheath