Product groups in search
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EClass in search
Adapters NS cone to spherical joint socket, DURAN<sup>®</sup> tubing
Adapters NS cone to spherical joint socket, DURAN® tubing
Adapters NS socket to spherical joint ball, DURAN<sup>®</sup> tubing
Adapters NS socket to spherical joint ball, DURAN® tubing
Dewar flasks, spherical, for LN<sub>2</sub>
Dewar flasks, spherical, for LN2
Fork clamps for spherical joints
Fork clamps for spherical joints
Fork clamps for spherical joints
Fork clamps for spherical joints
Joint clips KECK, POM, for spherical ground joints
Joint clips KECK, POM, for spherical ground joints
Magnetic stirring bars, spherical, PTFE
Magnetic stirring bars, spherical, PTFE
Reaction vessels, spherical, DURAN<sup>®</sup> tubing
Reaction vessels, spherical, DURAN® tubing
Receiving flasks, with spherical ground glass joint, borosilicate glass 3.3
Receiving flasks, with spherical ground glass joint, borosilicate glass 3.3