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Tubings Nalgene™ 180, PVC
Tubings Nalgene™ 180, PVC, metric
Tubings Nalgene™, PVC, metric
Tubings RAULAB FG<sup>®</sup>SLIDETEC, Silicone
Tubings RAULAB FG®SLIDETEC, Silicone
Tubings RAULAB FG<sup>®</sup>SLIDETEC, Silicone, platinum cured
Tubings RAULAB FG®SLIDETEC, Silicone, platinum cured
Tubings Tygon<sup>®</sup> E-1000
Tubings Tygon® E-1000
Tubings TYGON® HC F-4040-A, with 2 colour-coded bridges
Pump tubings Tygon®SI 3350, with 2 colour-coded bridges
Vacuum tubings Nalgene™ 180, PVC