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Search: VOL
Visual Colorimeter, Lovibond<sup>®</sup> Tintometer Model F
Visual Colorimeter, Lovibond® Tintometer Model F
Homogeniser, handheld, POLYTRON<sup>®</sup> PT 1200 E (Eco Line)
Homogeniser, handheld, POLYTRON® PT 1200 E (Eco Line)
Capillary columns BPX-Volatiles
Capillary columns BPX-Volatiles
Spare screw caps, PFA for volumetric flasks, Class A
Reservoir convoluted, non-sterile 300 ml, PP
Reservoir convoluted, sterile 300 ml, PP
Deep-well plate system, Riplate® round wells
Gel documentation system microDOC with UV-Transilluminator
Gel documentation system microDOC with UV-Transilluminator
Needles for eVol® syringes